SBK Steel Industries (Pvt) Ltd

Supplier Info
Chandana Ranathunga
Response Rate
Response Time


About Company

Registered In -
Company Team Size - 200-500
Certification - SLS 375, ISO 9001:2015
Operation Address
Chandana Ranathunga
Kandanapitiya Rd, Bope
Padukka, Western Province, 10522
Sri Lanka
T: 0112144328
Corporate Address
Chandana Ranathunga
Kandanapitiya Rd, Bope
Padukka, Western Province, 10522
Sri Lanka
T: 0112144328


Manufacturers, Importers and dealers in Plywood Sheets, Plywood Doors, MDF Boards, Hard Boards, Furniture Fittings, Gypsum Boards, PVC Ceiling System, Galvanized Steel, Tiles & all kinds of building materials.

SBK All building MaterialSBK SteelSBK ProductsSBK

Social Channels


Terms of Sale

VAT Invoice will be issued only at the point of sale
2. Quotation Validity period: 14 Days
3 VAT Registration No: 103150914-7000
4. Payment Term: Cash On Delivery
5. Delivery: Partial delivery allowed.
6. Bank details: Bank - Seylan Bank, Branch – Gampola Branch, Account Name: SBK Steel Industries (pvt) Lts, Account No. 0250-13243616-001

Return Policy


Supplier Info

Chandana Ranathunga

Supplier Address

Address - Kandanapitiya Rd, Bope
City - Padukka
State - western Province
Postal Code - 10522
Country - Sri Lanka

Supplier Contact Card

Email Address -
Phone - 0112144328