MelGYP Industries (PVT) Ltd

Supplier Info
Vidushan Rajeswaran
Accounts Executive
Response Rate
Response Time


About Company

Registered In - 2020
Company Team Size -
Certification -
Operation Address
Vidushan Rajeswaran
252, Imbula Road, Paragastota
Millaniya, Western Province, 12412
Sri Lanka
T: 0114 222 555
Corporate Address
Vidushan Rajeswaran
103 Jayantha Mallimarachi Mawatha, Colombo 14
Colombo 14, Western Province, 01400
Sri Lanka
T: 0114 222 555


MelGYP Industries (PVT) Ltd is a leading supplier of high-quality Gypsum boards in Sri Lanka. With a strong focus on providing top-notch products and excellent customer service, MelGYP Industries (PVT) Ltd has established a reputation for reliability and professionalism in the construction industry. we offer top-quality and competitively priced products that meet the needs of builders, contractors, and architects. Browse our selection today and take advantage of our exceptional customer service.

Social Channels


Terms of Sale

SVAT / VAT Invoice will be issued only at the point of sale

1. Quotation Validity period: 30 Days

2. VAT Registration No:  103094461-7000

3. Payment Term: Depends on the order QTY

4. Delivery: Depends on the order QTY

5. Bank – Sampath Bank Old Moor Street. Account Name: Melgyp Industries (Pvt) Ltd, Account No. 0027 1001 7142

6. Warranty: N/A

Return Policy

No return is possible


Supplier Info

Vidushan Rajeswaran
Accounts Executive

Supplier Address

Address - 252, Imbula Road, Paragastota
City - Millaniya
State - western Province
Postal Code - 12412
Country - Sri Lanka

Supplier Contact Card

Email Address -
Phone - 114222555