JCICY Mesh And Engineering (Pvt) Ltd

Supplier Info
Iroj Caldera
Response Rate
Response Time


About Company

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Operation Address
Iroj Caldera
JCICY Mesh And Engineering (Pvt) Ltd
380/8, Thushan Liyange Mw
Walgama, Athurugiriya, Western Province, 10150
Sri Lanka
T: 0114 222 555
Corporate Address
Iroj Caldera
JCICY Mesh And Engineering (Pvt) Ltd
380/8, Thushan Liyange Mw
Walgama, Athurugiriya, Western Province , 10150
Sri Lanka
T: 0114 222 555


JCICY Mesh And Engineering specialize in manufacturing high-quality gabions, offering durable and reliable solutions for all your construction and landscaping needs. Trust JCICY Mesh And Engineering for expert craftsmanship and exceptional service.

Social Channels


Terms of Sale

Return Policy

No returns are accepted unless there is an issue on our end.


Supplier Info

Iroj Caldera

Supplier Address

Address - 380/8 Thushan Liyange Mw
City - Walgama, Athurugiriya
State - Western Province
Postal Code - 10150
Country - Sri Lanka

Supplier Contact Card

Email Address - irojc@yahoo.com
Phone - 0114 222 555