Stockpile works to find you the right product
at the right price, quickly and efficiently in
3 simple steps.

1. Submit your RFQ

A single Request For Quotation (RFQ) from you gets sent to every supplier registered in the categories you select. You won’t have to worry about missing anyone out.

2. Review your quotes

Use the Quote Comparison feature to quickly compare selected quotations side-by-side to help you evaluate faster and negotiate directly with the suppliers.

3. Confirm your order

When you are ready to confirm your order, simply Add-To-Order and Check-Out. Upload your company Purchase Order (PO) to comply with your corporate procedures. Payment can be made directly to the supplier using your method of choice.

But There's more!

Match Specifications

Use our search and Fiters to browse and identity products that meet your specifications

Growing Supplier Base

Our growing number of suppliers means that you will get quotations from more suppliers without any extra effort

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Get to know about the latest products. suppliers and technologies featured in our weekly newsletter